The Cuajiniquil River, with a latitude of: 10.05 and a longitude of: -85.7511. Located in Cuajiniquil, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. It is the most appropriate for the elaboration of our tours, because it has a huge wealth of flora and fauna.
Its name comes from the language of the ancient Aboriginal residents of the place, they named a fruit that grows wildly on its banks; This fruit is shaped like a sheath a little twisted, its berries possess a sweet and peculiar flavor; Being the fruit preferred by the monkeys, so much capuchinos as howler.
The predominant trees within this beautiful tropical landscape are: Espavel, Ceiba, Ojoche, Higuerón and Guanacaste. Most of them with more than one hundred years of life and some of them as the Ojoche in danger of extinction.
Because it is located within a mountainous area its aquifers are of great abundance that at the same time are protected by the community and the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE).
The habitants of the place use the waters of the Cuajiniquil River for the irrigation of their agricultural plantations and the cattle ranch, works that have been realized by their ancestors until today.
At present with the tourist development has been endangered part of its forests, due to the cutting of trees for the constructions.
This river is of paramount importance to the people who live around it, since they benefit from it in their daily tasks